In recent days I've had two strangers tell me that Daniel seemed so mature for his age. Which got me thinking -- is that a good thing? I mean when we are sitting in a restaurant and he is behaving, then yes, it is a good thing. Good for my sanity and for the patrons around us. But I hope I'm not treating him
too much like a young man and not enough like a little boy. I'm not ready for him to stop being my little boy. Now don't get me wrong - Daniel can throw a tantrum like the best of them, but I do admit that overall he is a relatively "easy" kid. I find myself being harder on him than Lauren and expecting a lot out of him. Looking back it's been like this for a while.
Daniel was just about the age Lauren is now when I had her (23 months). I remember expecting him to be a good big brother; I thought he was such a big boy at that time. I look at Lauren right now and think she is still a tiny baby! Why is my perception so messed up??!!
I can see now how birth order does impact a child - mostly because of the parents. I understand why my older sister has always been the responsible one -- and I'm just continuing the cycle as I place those same traits onto Daniel. I should step back a little and let him be my little boy for as long as he will let me.
The morning Lauren came home from the hospital - yes, what a big boy indeed!