Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kindle Kozy

I didn't think I would like reading on the Kindle. I received it as a gift and left it in the box for month before I figured I should check it out. Now, I love it. I love how small it is, how I can finish a book and start another one within minutes, how I can throw it in my purse and if I find myself with 5 extra minutes at preschool pick-up I can fit in a quick read. I still don't know all the features on it, but I don't care. I recently decided it was time my tech friend received an update - not a software upgrade or anything, but a comfortable place to rest.

I created a Kindle Kozy. Well, I sewed two scraps of material together and called it a Kindle Kozy. Here are some pictures of the process:

Outside material is a cotton with a fun retro orange flower print; lining is white fleece.

Sewed the pieces together, turn it inside out, added a loop of elastic (for the closure) and stitched up the sides, leaving a flap to go over the top.

Made a fabric flower out of the same material to hook the elastic loop on.

Super easy and fast project and just what I needed to store my Kindle in. I think the real reason I love my Kindle is because it is the one piece of technology my kids (so far) have no interest in -- it makes no sounds, doesn't play cartoons and doesn't take their picture. I love having something all to myself.


Kathleen said...

So cute! I love the fabric and the flower!

The Calagna Family said...

You are SO TALENTED!!! It is good to hear you like the Kindle. I was wondering if I would like one because there is something about turning the pages :) xo

Mrs Montoya said...

I seriously die over how creative you are. That is awesome!!

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