Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh What Busy Days

We have a book called "Oh What Busy Days" that I read to the kids. These days, I find myself looking at our calendar and saying "Oh what busy days!" Summer has officially come and gone. Daniel is back to preschool this week and he is also starting speech therapy -- no biggie just a little behind on his articulation. The bigger issue is that means we have to be out of the house, dressed, fed and at a different location by 9am five days a week. Ok, ok all you working moms...I know 9am is already your first coffee break. However, this is all new to us around here!

So today I tried really hard to get them back on a semi-schedule and get them eating better again (what is it about summer that makes me feel like popsicles are a good food choice??). Lauren was not happy about napping, but after talking to her dolls for an hour she fell asleep on the floor in the middle of her room. I like her protest style.

Daniel handled the "new" routine without any issues. I think that mostly has to do with the fact that his routine now includes 1 hour of my undivided attention while Lauren is napping (or talking to dolls) to help him write his letters and do workbooks, plus I read some longer books to him that Lauren doesn't have the patience for. Speaking of writing, I tried and tried this summer to get Daniel to write his name but he refused. Not that he couldn't, but he wouldn't. I'm talking refused to pick up the crayon. Not so sure about that protest style. However, literally from one day to the next he wrote his name. Check out how proud he is!

Just so we are clear, the first line I wrote, the second I wrote in highlighter and he traced it, the third line I wrote in dots and he connected the dots, but the fourth line....ahhhh yes, completely on his own! No joke, the day before this picture he refused to hold his marker.

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