Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm a Way Better Mom

I'm a way better mom when I'm watching someone else's child.  Take the last two Tuesdays as examples.  After busy mornings of speech therapy #1, playdate, lunch, speech therapy #2 I got home just in time to watch my friend's daughter "A".  Normally 2pm is the time in the afternoon when I get Lauren to nap and Daniel to, well... "rest."  Resting generally means him watching tv for a while and then incessantly interrupting me to play with him. 

However, I just don't feel comfortable telling a friend's child, "go watch more tv."  So, last week I spontaneously created three Thanksgiving crafts, held storytime in my living room and played freeze dance with two 4-year olds (thankfully, Lauren napping at 2pm still held true).  This week I set up our bounce house in the front yard and Daniel and "A" had a blast bouncing out their energy (again, bless Lauren's little heart she napped).  Following bounce time was snack time, then more bouncing.  No wonder Daniel loves having friends over! 

1 comment:

Emmy said...

It is so true! Sometimes I have to remember to really just play with my kids.. not always easy to do, but I am always glad when I do

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