Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Things to Smile About

A friend of mine (who I actually haven't seen in years, but feel connected to her because of her blog) introduced me to the idea of posting a monthly "10 Things to Smile About" list. September was a busy month, but there certainly were at least 10 things for me to smile about...

A great start to Daniel's second year of preschool
My first experience with a weekly "time to myself" while Daniel is at preschool and Lauren is at nursery care (which she calls "baby preschool")

A playdate with a friend who is the busiest mom I know and whose abilities to handle
her life amaze me

Unbelievably, as a life-long OCer my first duffy boat ride in Newport Beach

A clean bill of health at Daniel's 4 year check up and no reactions from either
child after their flu shots

A much needed mom's only evening with great friends, food and wine

Getting my eyebrows waxed (again, much needed)

A warm up of weather that allowed us to bring out the slip 'n slide one more time
A noticeable improvement in Daniel's speech after just one month of speech therapy

Starting my first mommy-and-me class with JUST Lauren

What made you smile this month??

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Great list! Isn't mommy time so nice. I am getting some right now 3 days a week, but it won't last long as my 4 month old will be older and causing trouble before I know it.

It is funny how we rarely do the things that we live close by.

Thanks so much for linking up,

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