Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Actually Feel Their Pain

Last night Lauren woke up crying for me at 12:30am. Very unlike her. I went into her room and she was burning up and had that weird croup-cough (honestly, it sounded like a dog was barking in her room). I gave her Motrin and cuddled her...what more could I do? Every time she coughed I literally felt the pain in my own chest. Her cough was so awful and her little body was burning hot to the touch. Fortunately she fell back to sleep. She woke this morning with her usual smile, but still coughing like a barking dog.

Until I became a mom I didn't understand what my mom meant when she said she felt my pain. When they are hurt or sick, I want them to be better because it is painful to see them suffering. I can handle scraps and falls, bumps and bruises (that is a normal part of their age), but when they are actually sick, really hurting, it breaks my heart.

Tonight the humidifier is on high in Lauren's room and I'm hoping that she quickly gets over whatever it is that she has. She is such a little trooper you would hardly know she is sick. But I know and I don't think I can be as strong as she is.

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